I was going to use my $5 Extra Bucks at CVS today to scoop up the .99 cents Always Infinity pads, but when I got to the store and scanned my card at the magic coupon giver, I got a $5 off $15 coupon there! Score! I put my $5 Extra Bucks back in my wallet to spend another day and did this deal:
3 Always Infinity Pads $4.99 each
-3 coupons for $4 off Always pads in the June P&G
1 Milky Way Fun pack $1.50
I gave the cashier my $5 off $15 first then my other Always coupons and the total was...Applause please.....
.24 Cents
Thank you CVS for my (very close to) free things today.
Congrats! Great Score!