My Vons trip was all in all a success. I had to go to the counter to recieve a $10 gift certificate for my second transaction but they were nice enough about it. I did this in 2 trips to Vons because of the 1 transaction per household per day rule but the second trip was fast- I knew where everything was.
Transaction #1
4 Bertoli Sauce Pouches $8
2 French Honey Dijon Mustard $7.58
2 Arrowhead Waters $3.94
5 Velveeta Shells and Cheese $12.50
Total= 32.02
Coupons Used For Transaction#1 4 Bertolli $1 off-$4 , 2 French $1 off-$2,
Transaction Total= $ 26.02
Coupons Back $4 for Velveeta Cheese Deal, $10 Reward deal
Transaction #2
1 Bertolli Sauce Pouch $2
4 Orowheat Breads (Oatnut) $11.96
2 Special K Cereal $5.98
2 Trop 50 Orange Juice $5
1 Del Monte Beans $1
2 Dreamfield Pastas $5
Total= $30.94
Coupons Used: $1 off Bertolli, 4 $1 off Orowheat Bread, 2 $1 off Special K, 2 $1 off Trop 50, 2 $1 off Dreamfield Pasta, $4 off from Trans #1, $10 off From Trans #1
Total Out of Pocket: $5.94
Plus I got $10 back for next time!
Great job, Lici! I'm glad that customer service handled it well (that doesn't always happen). Thanks for linking up at Moneywise Moms.